Low Fat Recipes is Not Your Weight Loss Answer!

Low fat recipes are not the solution for your weight loss... If you have tried, low fat diets, lower fat recipes, non-fat foods and everything else you can think of, but are not getting the results you want from your weight loss plan, then this article will show you how to eat more and lose more!

Now I know it sounds tempting and wierd to hear, "Eat more, lose more!", but the truth of the matter is that it's not eat more of anything you want, but rather eat more of the right foods in smaller portions more often. It is recommended to eat 6 times per day for maximum fatloss, but you cannot eat 6 large meals... You will need to eat 6 smaller, balanced meals.

The reason low fat recipes are not the answer is because your body actually needs FAT! Yes, your body needs fat in order to function correctly, but it's not any kind of fat. It is good healthy fat your body needs, that can come from food such as olive oil, fish, almonds, other nuts, and avocado.

Bad fat would be candy, chips, french fries (or anything fried for that matter), and fatty meats such as pork chops etc. The reason these fats are bad for your looks, and also dangerous is because they are the types of fat that gets stored in your body and are the beginning of many common diseases.

If you think a low fat recipe will help you lose weight, you may be right, but it's not the best or most logical solution for losing weight. Exercise and balanced diets will beat low fat recipes all day long!

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The Author: By Paul Matthew Moore
Published at: ezinearticles.com