The Sonoma Diet - Scope and Limitations

The Sonoma diet plan is very similar to the south beach diet. One new spin is the emphasis put on preparing and combining different foods. If you don't enjoy cooking or trying new things it may not be for you. It does keep the diet from getting boring especially where they are very restrictive on foods and calorie intake.

This diet plan is broken up into what they call "waves", much like South Beaches "phases".

Wave 1 - This lasts approximately 2 weeks and you are restructuring the way your body manages food. Like south beach your body undergoes a sort of purging where it gets rid of all the fat, calories and sugars in your body. People tend to lose a good deal of weight in this phase because it is so drastic and limiting on foods and calories. Calorie intake is VERY low in this stage (around 900-1300 for women and men)!

Wave 2 - In this phase there are not near as many restrictions except on high fat or calorie foods. You stay in this phase until you are at your goal weight. You are taught portion control and to eat slower so you know when you are not overeating.

Wave 3 - This is basically a maintenance stage. You are taught how to maintain your weight and eat foods that will not make you gain the weight back. They teach you neat little tricks like using smaller plates so psychologically you think you are eating a lot. It actually works to. Although I did not use this diet I did take that trick and still apply it successfully today.

The Good: -Very step by step system to follow -Web site offers support -MANY varities of foods to be cooked and prepared with other foods -IF you can make it through the first phase you usually notice drastic weight loss.

The Bad: -Calories are VERY restrictive during the first phase -Large list of banned foods -Not a diet for a very active person or athlete -Vegetables are limited because of the high starch
Cant afford a nutritionist or personal trainer but still want to be 30 pounds lighter next month?

Check out the Idiot Proof Diet that overcomes these problems of the Sonoma Diet. There you learn how to plan your daily meals without a personal trainer or nutritionist based on the proven Calorie Shifting or Calorie Cycling Method.

published by Philip Hixonn at